Like many, I had a thorny path to myself.
The road of knowledge and bursting curiosity
"What am I?" "What am I for?" "Where am I going?"
But when does this path begin? Since birth or since the first crisis? Or does this path originate even before I was born? Or even at all, this path has always existed and will exist like energy in the universe? I think it (energy/information/God) follows the same road and tries to comprehend itself through all the diversity that it creates.
Thus, due to the transformation of energy and information
my body was created.
I was born in Russia in the Ural region.
My childhood was filled with music as my parents regularly exposed me to music from different cultures and genres. There was always a piano in our family, which
I tried to play, select songs by ear and compose melodies without knowing the notes. This was for me the most sacred thing in my life which made me truly happy. I think from then on my ear and composing skills began to develop.
After finishing school I entered the
conservatory. Low grades in vocals and condemnation from teachers put pressure on self-esteem. After graduation my voice
was very strangled but with all my heart
I wanted to learn how to sing freely and beautifully. Through observation and
self-analysis I found tools that radically
changed my voice. From that moment I began to gain experience as a vocal teacher, developed a teaching system
and subsequently work.